Status: Verfügbar

Bei diesem Titel fragt ihr euch jetzt bestimmt was los ist und ich werde es euch auch sofort erklären.

Ich bin seit heute, nach einem Monat warten, endlich auf der AYA-Snapshot Seite :D.

Für alle die nicht wissen was das ist : Die AYA-Snapshot Seite, ist die Webseite auf der die Gastfamilien sich Die Steckbriefe der Austauschschüler angucken können und wenn sie sich für einen interessieren,

fordern sie mehr Infos an und können dann entscheiden ob sie sich für diesen oder diese entscheiden oder nicht. Ihr könnt euch vielleicht vorstellen wie froh ich darüber bin   :) .

Und zum Schluss noch mein Steckbrief für die, die es interessiert ;) .

Also bis dann.


Christian is humorous, open-minded and friendly. He has a good relationship with his parents. He enjoys traveling with them and going skiing with his father in the winter. He spends his free time with his friends or visiting his grandmother playing parlor games and helping her with yard work. In a club he plays baseball currently, and practices twice a week. He is interested in American football and follows the NFL. He enjoys snowboarding often traveling with the youth group to Italy. He played volleyball for a few years in two clubs. Christian has had lessons for the guitar and is currently learning on his own. He plays the acoustic and electric guitars. In the coming year Christian wants to experience high school spirit while learning more about American culture. He hopes to visits some beautiful places, develop close friendships and improve his English skills. He wants to integrate into the daily life of his new family as a full member participating in all activities. He is very interested in the mechanics of cars and would like to take a course on that. He would like to play baseball and try American football as well.


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